Emerging vehicle and fuel technology
We actively support initiatives to reduce consumer emissions from the use of our products in the transportation sector. These include research efforts with partner universities and other companies to address the fuel and vehicle as a single system to improve efficiency.
Fuel technologies and advanced motor oil innovation
ExxonMobil is committed to developing and supplying quality fuels, which is why we have an entire active research organization dedicated to ensuring that the product pumped into your vehicle is the latest technology in industry innovation.
Additionally, our breakthrough lubricants offer drivers a longer interval between oil changes and improved engine efficiency, while still providing outstanding performance and protection. Our specially formulated synthetic motor oil products are tailored to improving engine function, whether it be for greater durability, better wear protection or running a cleaner engine.
For all the talk about energy sources it’s easy to overlook what will likely make the single biggest contribution to meeting global energy needs in coming decades. It’s energy efficiency — technologies and actions that enable us to do the same, or more, only with less energy.
Helping cars travel longer distances with less fuel
At a time when vehicle efficiency standards are on the rise and automotive manufacturers must comply with stricter environmental requirements without sacrificing performance, ExxonMobil scientists are delivering solutions.